If you ever live in D.C. the main thing you need to know is if you get a nice day, you have to take advantage of it. They come along so infrequently, especially in January, that if you’re not making the most of one you’re missing out. Last Saturday it was gorgeous out so my friend Megan and I decided to take a trip out to Union Market. Union Market is pretty similar to Chelsea Market in New York; it’s a place for local vendors to come together in an indoor building that’s open year-round. One of my current favorites is the Little Leaf Pop-Up Shop. They sell the cutest little succulents and paper goods. There’s also amazing ice cream in Union Market, but in an attempt to be healthy, I got a kale smoothie from South Block and it was so loaded with fruit that I didn’t even mind the kale! Besides having great food, there are also a bunch of great photo-ops, especially with their classic heart mural.

I knew I wanted to wear my black wax jeans because I don’t get enough use out of them. I’ve been feeling bored by my closet lately so I decided to go through my friends’ to look for outfits. I borrowed the sweater from my roommate, Karley, who got it on Poshmark (one of my favorite apps that I’ve talked about here and here!) and I borrowed the sneakers from my other roommate, Ava. We’re lucky enough to be the same shoe size which makes my closet twice as big. Ironically enough, she spotted these sneaks at Steve Madden and was obsessed with them and I had no idea until a few months later when we were at Nordstrom Rack and I pulled them off a shelf to show her, having no idea that she already loved them. Great minds think alike! I almost forgot sunglasses but Megan brought a few options with her for me to try on. If you’re ever unhappy with your own closet I highly recommend seeing what your friends have to offer.

Outfit: Sweater: LF (similar); Jeans: Carmar Denim; Sneakers: Steve Madden (I can’t find these exact shoes except in a size 6 but they’re called the Bertie!)
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